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KPOS G2 NFA to non-NFA Converter - Get Rid of Your SBR Tax Stamp!



Pathfinder Stock for KPOS G2 Models (instead of the original)

Pathfinder Stock for K.P.O.S replaces your K.P.O.S buttstock with pathfinder stock.

Out of stock

VTS Fab Defense Versatile Tactical Support (Pack of Two)

The new 'VTS' Versatile Tactical Support- provides versatile solutions for various forward grip positioning enhancing comfort and increasing accuracy.

Insufficient stock


Do you have a KPOS G2 and want to use it without an SBR Tax Stamp There are two legit ways we found to getting rid of your tax stamp while still using your KPOS:

  1. The first one is to connect a 16 inch barrel to your pistol and changing the FGGK to VTS, Versatile Tactical Support (thumb rest) or just disconnecting the FGGK and not using it or any foregrip replacement at all.
  2. The second way is to install the Pathfinder stock with the VTS (optional) instead of your FGGK which this kit offers.

If you do not have a KPOS yet and are interested in a non-NFA version, check our KPOS-G2 non-NFA options

We made this kit due to a lot of question we received from our customers regarding how to turn their KPOS into a non-SBR. You don't need anything else but this kit to do it doesn't matter which KPOS G2 version you purchased before, be it the G2D, G2C or the standard G2, this kit will turn your KPOS into a non-SBR conversion kit.

As you might have noticed, the prices in this bundle are lower than the prices of each product individually. It became possible to do so due to the shipping prices being lower when shipping several products in one package.


Using a foregrip makes your weapon an NFA (SBR tax stamp required), doesn't matter if you have a 16 inch barrel or the pathfinder stock attached so make sure you follow this role when you're turning your KPOS into a non-NFA version.

If you do prefer to stay with your NFA version but not sure how to get a tax stamp then we made a guide just for you: How to Get Your SBR Tax Stamp

Feel free to contact us through our Facebook page, our Email our through our "contact us" page if you have any questions.


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Pathfinder Stock for KPOS G2 Models (instead of the original)


Manufactured at



VTS Fab Defense Versatile Tactical Support (Pack of Two)




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